The Introduction to Sustainability Transitions Research provides a broad and up-to-date overview of the diverse, rapidly growing body of research on issues of sociotechnical transitions towards sustainability. It is structured as a comprehensive guide for early career researchers as well as for policymakers and practitioners to Sustainability Transitions Research. It aims at providing an entrance to the rich field on how to understand and explain the complex processes related to transition processes.
- Chapter 2: The Multi-Level Perspective on Sustainability Transitions: Background, overview, and current research topics - Geels
- Chapter 3: Explorative transition governance: Understanding by engaging in transitions in the making - Hebinck & Loorbach
- Chapter 4: The rise of technological innovation systems in sustainability transitions - Van der Loos, Elzinga, Negro & Hekkert
- Chapter 5: Strategic Niche Management: past, present, and future - Raven
- Chapter 6: Social Practice Theories and Sustainability Transitions Studies - Laakso, Keller & Backhaus
- Chapter 7: Deep Transitions - Davies & Schot
Dynamics of transitions
- Chapter 8: Towards a critical study of temporalities in sustainability transitions: speed, duration, acceleration, and timescapes - Delina
- Chapter 9: Niche-regime interactions: post-automation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Smith & Fressoli
- Chapter 10: Multi-system dynamics in sustainability transitions: Introduction and outlook - Andersen & Markard
- Chapter 11: Disruption in sustainability transitions - Kivimaa, Lonkila & Kaljonen
Power and politics in transitions
- Chapter 12: Power in sustainability transitions - Raj, Avelino & Brisbois
- Chapter 13: Expectations, Visions, Imaginaries – a subtle force in transition processes - Rohracher & Konrad
- Chapter 14: Policies for accelerating sustainability transitions: Bridging insights from transition studies and policy studies - Salas-Gironés, Goedeking & Rogge
- Chapter 15: The Political Economy of Transitions - Newell & Bhatia
- Chapter 16: Issues of justice in sustainability transitions - Heidenreich, Martiskainen & Ryghaug
Actors and agency in transitions
- Chapter 17: The roles of actors in sustainability transitions - Wittmayer
- Chapter 18: Intermediaries and Intermediation in Sustainability Transitions - Kanda, Magnusson & Hjelm
- Chapter 19: Behaviour and the individual in sustainability transitions - Dütschke, Upham & Scherrer
- Chapter 20: Only changing policy? The role of coalitions in sustainability transitions - Wesche, Löhr & Hess
Geographies of transitions
- Chapter 24: How do we know what we know? Ontological and epistemological debates in sustainability transitions research - Skjølsvold
- Chapter 25: Transforming ‘systems’: Which? How? Whose? Why? Whither? Whence? System Analysis and Critical Systems Thinking in Transitions Research - Pel & Stirling
- Chapter 26: Retrospective versus contemporary analyses
- Chapter 27: No neutrality here: mobilising reflexivity in sustainability transitions research - Ampe, Goeminne, Hendriks & Block